Monday, February 7, 2011

Put Me Over Her Knee

2895 - in theory

... late January, the principle and modalities of the Raid on Tokyo are acquired and, schematically, the case is presented as follows:

A first aircraft carrier of the Navy - this will be the Hornets - load a dozen B-25 specially modified for the raid, carried and their crews, about 900 miles up the Japanese coast, then launch into the sky before making a U-turn towards Hawaii.

For this particular operation, if the B-25 take off many an aircraft carrier, was quickly deemed too dangerous - and indeed downright impossible - to ask them to return there after the raid.

Once launched, and they come or not to drop their bombs on the Japanese capital, it will be a mission of no return, or more exactly a mission that will last until China, where the aircraft will then transferred to the Generalissimo Chiank Kai-shek whose supporters, U.S. allies, have prepared airfields able to accommodate the B-25, which will then short of fuel. To protect the

Hornet during his dangerous journey and return, the Navy will also send a second aircraft carrier - it will be the Enterprise - responsible hunters, and himself with his usual escort cruisers, destroyers and refueling tankers, representing a total of twenty ships.

That's the theory.


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