Friday, January 11, 2008

Pokemon Soul Silver(u) Rom

Become Webseller with Carrefour Internet

Sell or consume one or more of our products and become a privileged member and enjoy all the benefits that the concept can provide. Create your own team thanks to your advertising network! > Concept simple and effective. > Registration is free! So you can learn the concept at your own pace. > By becoming "active", you have a money back guarantee if not satisfied. > Once you register, if you wish, many people will offer their support so that you can use 100% of your new business.

Webseller Description of your future and the efforts you will provide.
Once you register you are part of both teams. A team of sales and support team. All earnings are divided equally between these two teams. You can make sale and / or support. You can focus solely on the sale if you already have marketing tools like a website, a purchasing power of Internet advertising or other means that may affect Internet users. You can focus on support if you have free time to train new arrivant.Vous can do both activities.

Once you've mastered the basics of your Webseller you can decide what level of effort you want to invest because in the IC design, you can choose to invest time and win 100% of your charges or do nothing and give 50% of your royalties to support sponsors who take care of your referrals to grow your team.


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